Since summer 2013 I have been involved in the development of several feature films, both live action and animation.
Some of them are listed here:

Movie projects:



Title,Genre,Writer,Director,Status, Position

HAPPY FAMILY,CGI-Animation,David Safier/Catharina Junk, Holger Tappe,Completed,Production Designer (New York locations & Egypt)

TUG OF WAR,Science Fiction,Philipp Hartmann, Philipp Hartmann,in Production,Visual Consultant


[/table]Unfortunately I cannot say more about the new projects yet …but stay tuned.


Past movies projects:

I have designed five animation movies and developed several animated concept trailers since 2001.

My design expertise breaks down into three categories:
– Designing of interior/exterior locations, props, landscapes, etc.
– Overseeing the construction of sets (modeling, texturing and assembling environments)
– Working with lightning, compositing and concept artists to develop and art direct light, mood and atmosphere concepts
To get more infos on the finished movies you can click on the icons below: